Fit One-Dimensional Fluctuation Model for Updating Initial Estimates
A numeric
vector corresponding to an outcome variable.
An object providing the value of the outcome evaluate after inducing a shift in the exposure. This object should be passed in after being constructed by the Q estimators.
An object providing values of the auxiliary ("clever") covariate, constructed from the treatment mechanism and required for targeted minimum loss estimation. This object object should be passed in after being constructed by a call to clever covariate construction
A numeric
vector that gives inverse probability of
censoring weights for each observation. These are generated by invoking the
routines for estimating the censoring mechanism.
A character
giving the type of regression to be used in
traversing the fluctuation sub-model. The available choices are "weighted"
and "standard". Consult the literature for details on the differences.
A numeric
indicating the largest value to be
tolerated in the fluctuation model for the targeted minimum loss estimator.
A list
containing the fluctuation model (a glm
produced by logistic regression, a character
vector indicating the
type of fluctuation (whether the auxiliary covariates was used as a weight
or included directly in the model formula), the updated estimates of the
outcome regression under the shifted value of the exposure, and the updated
estimates of the outcome regression under the natural value of exposure.
Procedure for fitting a one-dimensional fluctuation model to update the initial estimates of the outcome regression based on the auxiliary covariate. These updated estimates are subsequently used to construct the TML estimator of the counterfactual mean under a modified treatment policy.