All functions |
InterXshift |
NHANES 2001-2002, POP Exposure on Telomere Length |
Data 1 from the NIEHS mixtures workshop |
Bound Precision |
Bound Generalized Propensity Score |
Calculate Confidence Interals |
Calculate the frequency basis functions are used in the folds |
Calculates the Effect Modification Shift Parameter |
Calculates the Individual Shift Parameter |
Calculates the Joint Shift Parameter |
Calculates the Interaction Parameter |
Calculate the Joint Parameter |
Calculates the Mediation Shift Parameters |
Compute the Pooled Shift Parameter Estimate From the Fold Specific Results For the Effect Modification Parameter |
Compute the Pooled Shift Parameter Estimate From the Fold Specific Results |
Compute the Pooled Interaction Shift Parameter Estimate From the Fold Specific Results |
Compute the Pooled Joint Mediation Shift Parameter Estimate From the Fold Specific Results |
Compute the Pooled Mediation Shift Parameter Estimate From the Fold Specific Results |
Calculate the p-values based on variance of the influence curve |
Calculates the Inverse Variance Pooled Estimate Including Null Folds |
Stratified CV to insure balance (by one grouping variable, Y) |
Create default Super Learner estimators for the data adaptive
and nuisance parameters used in |
Compute the Shift Parameter Estimate and the Efficient Influence Function |
Estimate the Outcome Mechanism with Shifted A and Z |
Estimate Auxiliary Covariate of Full Data Efficient Influence Function |
Estimate Probability of Censoring by Two-Phase Sampling |
Estimate the Mediator Mechanism |
Extract variables from the basis function search |
Data-adaptive Discovery of Interactions Based on Joint vs. Individual Shift Interventions |
Fit the Zeta Learner: A Highly Flexible Estimator Using Splines or Basis Functions |
Fit One-Dimensional Fluctuation Model for Updating Initial Estimates |
Estimate the Outcome Mechanism |
Estimate the Exposure Mechanism via Generalized Propensity Score for One Exposure Variable |
Integrand function for q and g models |
Integrand Function for Mediation Analysis in InterXshift: Works for both Adaptive Quadrature and MC Methods for Integration |
Integrate functions m and g |
Pseudo regression integration |
Pseudo regression integration for quantized |
Integrate Psi G for the Da part of the EIF for stochastic mediation |
Integrate Psi G for the Da part of the EIF for stochastic mediation using Monte Carlo integration |
Integrate Psi G for the Da part of the EIF for stochastic mediation when A is quartiles |
Integrate functions m and g using monte carlo method |
Integrate functions m and g when exposure is quantized |
Joint Shift Additive Modified Treatment Policy |
Estimate the Outcome Mechanism |
Estimate the Exposure Mechanism via Generalized Propensity Score for Two Exposure Variable |
Get rules from partykit object in rule fitting |
Compute the Monte Carlo integrand for double integration in InterXshift |
Integrand Function for Q, g, r Model Adaptive Quadrature Double Integration in InterXshift |
Transform values from the unit interval back to their original scale |
Transform values by scaling to the unit interval |
Simple Additive Modified Treatment Policy |
DGP for testing InterXshift with mediation (complicated!) |
DGP for testing InterXshift without mediation |
DGP for testing InterXshift with mediation |
Targeted Minimum Loss Estimate of Counterfactual Mean under Stochastic Shift Intervention |